
What Early Retirement Looks Like

Sleepy Time, Travel, Food, Exercise I thought retirement would look just like days filled with all the things I wished I was doing while I was working, every day, in an office. I thought I’d be posting daily YouTube videos, working on my writing projects, exercising like a maniac and eating impeccably. Habits are Strong…

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2024 Designing an Unforgettable Year

I love any excuse for a fresh start — like a new year. Forget the usual resolutions about fitness and finances – let’s explore three unique angles to make 2024 truly extraordinary. 1. Flipping the Script: Your Worst Year or Its Opposite Fast forward to December 2024 and envision the worst possible version of your…

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2021 Keep Your Money Simple

Hello 2021! This is the year to simplify, make beautiful, create your plan for life. I’ve been obsessed with YouTube videos about minimal moms and other people that have taken a penchant for getting rid of stuff and having a home filled with only items they love. It’s very Marie Kondo.

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Visualization During Lockdown

This is the only thought I have for the day: picture your life at its busiest, most hectic and strung out. Do you remember days when you thought, “I wish the world would stop and let me off ?” I do. Well, today is that day. The world has stopped for at least a month.…

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