There are a couple of things that for me, are critical to starting my day right. One of them is going to bed at a decent hour. The second is getting up early, but not too early. I consider 5:30 a.m. the middle of the night; 6:30 a.m. is a little better; somewhere between 6:45 and 7:30 is just right. But I also consider a 10:30 p.m. bedtime “early”and 11 p.m. “just right.” My husband would be in bed sleeping by 9:30 if I’d let him. However, I read a study that having similar bed times is healthier for a marriage.
As a single gal my bedtime was routinely midnight, even 1 a.m.; however, that doesn’t fly with my new marriage. We compromised at 10:30 p.m., even though at my last doctor visit I said I was having trouble falling asleep. His response was, “You’re probably going to bed too early.”
Ha! I knew it.
But my relationship is more important than my manic-creative-late-hour modes, so I have a small lamp and I read a book until I get sleepy. My husband is next to me dead to the world. Our marriage is pretty dang good.
Tips for Good Mood Mornings
Here are my basic rituals for good mood mornings:
- The first words out of my mouth are warm, energetic, or uplifting. That sets the tone for me. Even if my hubby grumbles back some mornings. (1 second.)
- I never check email, texts or social media in the morning until my other rituals are done. (0 seconds.)
- Favorite: I stay in my warm bed, recall my dreams, say prayers and read something spiritual; right now I’m reading the Old Testament, about three chapters. I’m in Thessalosins. Short chapters. (10-20 min.)
- If I don’t hit the gym next, I jump on my recumbent bike for 15-20 minutes, then do 10-15 minutes of yoga. On off days, I do a 45 minutes of yoga. (30-60 min.)
- I end with a 10 minute meditation, focused on “om,” the number one, or my breathing. (10 min.)
The routine can vary if I have to be to work extra early or wake with a splitting migraine (sourdough bread binge, most likely). Either way, I still do some modified version. Pressed for time I will say a shorter prayer, a couple of scripture verses, and jump on the bike for 7 super hard minutes.
Most Important Person is You
You know yourself best. What is your best sleeping pattern? Identify it and strive to honor it. Find a morning ritual that feeds your soul and centers you for the day. And energizes you. Not just coffee. Coffee is a fake lift. Exercise is the real deal. You are most important because you are the mother-center or friend-center that radiates calmness and love throughout the day. If you don’t make yourself a priority, there’s a good chance you’ll radiate frustration and carry around your low vibe self all day. No one benefits from that.
Nothing is on fire on social media. It’s not relaxing you, it’s provoking you. Draw a box around the first hours of the day and make it all about your health and mental well-being. Start your children’s morning with a warm tone or a thoughtful question, “How did you sleep?” “Did you have any dreams?” Give them huggies and snuggies. Even if it only lasts 1-10 minutes before chaos sets in, set the tone, set the tone.
Throughout the Day
It doesn’t hurt to have some quick rituals built in throughout the day. Writing quick gratitude lists, goal lists, reading good literature or non fiction. If you commute, keep the high vibrations going in your car with your favorite music (no ads or commentators) or an uplifting podcast. You can also choose to be quiet with your thoughts. (My favorite car past time.) Thinking and pondering are becoming a lost art. Don’t always have other people in your ear.
If you missed your morning meditation, set a timer for 5-10 minutes in the middle of the day and just be still.
If you don’t already have your day planned on paper, write out your tasks and goals for the day. Keep pretty note cards and think of a friend to snail mail.
Most important to maintaining a good mood morning, don’t let errands or email eat up peak times of your day. Preserve your peak brain times for getting your hard or challenging tasks done first. Do the mindless tasks during your mental troughs and low energy windows.
Challenge to You
Find a morning ritual that works for you. There are many excellent options for starting your awesome day. Stick with one for at least 21 days, even if you miss some days. It’s life. It will never go as planned or smoothly. Our goal is to shore up emotionally and physically, not to be perfect. Life is a gift and a battle, our job is to prepare and handle it well.
If your new ritual is 10 minutes and you’ll stick to it, perfect. If your ritual is an hour and you’re late to work every day, not so perfect.
Write it Down
Whatever thoughts and idea are coming to you, write them down. We have a 70% higher chance accomplishing anything that’s written down, versus just a thought.
Okay, friend, thanks for visiting me over here at YogaWellnessMoney. I hope you feel my love.
xo, tricia